What Are The Latest Trends in SEO Marketing?

SEO strategies that were considered secret ingredients are now outdated. Keyword stuffing was a common practice earlier, but now it results in Google penalties. Nowadays, 70% of Google searches end without the user clicking on any result. These numbers show that users now find answers directly within search results. It means your traditional SEO tactics have become useless. So, you need to stay updated to remain effective. Find out some of the most recent developments in SEO marketing in this post.

Voice Search Optimization:

We all witness the popularity of smart speakers. Now, virtual assistants Alexa and Siri have become a part of our lives. People are using them to conduct voice searches on the internet. This is why businesses are optimizing their content to cater to voice queries. Therefore, you will see increased use of long tail keywords with natural language phrases.

Zero click searches:

Search results that appear at the top of Google’s organic search results have small content. These snippets are popular because users get short and exact answers to their questions. These are zero-click searches where users find the information without clicking through to a website. A guide on SEO marketing in Coursera suggests that the content that appears in featured snippets should be optimized so that it can drive organic traffic.

Mobile First Indexing:

Google algorithms have shifted towards mobile-first indexing. Now, the search engine primarily uses the mobile version of a website for ranking. For instance, if a website has both desktop and mobile versions, then Google will prioritize crawling and ranking the mobile version over the desktop version. Now, having a mobile-friendly website design is important. Your visitors can easily navigate and interact with the website regardless of the device they are using.

EAT Principle:

The search engine continues to prioritize high-quality, trustworthy content in its rankings. So, websites focus on expert, authoritative, and trustworthy content. Invest in the EAT principle to establish authority within your niche. Cite reputable sources, and make sure you provide references whenever you employ authoritative content.

Bottom line

SEO marketing is evolving continuously; therefore, you need to stay competitive and updated. Optimize your content for voice search and adopt a mobile-first strategy. You should also leverage featured snippets because it is a trending strategy to boost organic traffic to your website. Keep experimenting with new techniques to stay ahead of the curve. If you need expert advice on how to adapt to the changes in search algorithms, then get in touch with the digital marketing specialists at SEO Resellers Canada.

Published by SEO Resellers Canada

SEO Resellers Canada produces real results, delivering our fastest growth SEO revenue quarter in years. Their team are truly experts in obtaining first page positions and I have incorporated them with all my other businesses.

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